
+41 79 669 669 2


Here we have compiled a comprehensive collection of information and detailed answers to the most frequently asked questions from our customers. We’ve made every effort to cover all aspects of our service offering, from reservation to vehicle return, to ensure you get all the information you need. Our goal is to provide you with a clearly understandable and helpful resource to clear up any uncertainties and help you have a smooth rental experience.

After you have completed the reservation, you will receive a text message to your cell phone number with a link.
You can use this link to make the online payment.
We accept common payment methods such as MasterCard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Twint and Klarna.

As soon as the payment has been successfully completed, you will receive a confirmation text message with a four-digit access code.
You can use this code to open the key safe, which is located on the driver’s side of the car, and remove the car key.

You have various options for processing your payment securely and conveniently.
We accept the following payment methods:

– Credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, American Express
– Online payment services: PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay
– Alternative payment methods: Twint, Klarna

Simply select the method that suits you best during the payment process after you have clicked on the link in the confirmation text message.

If you drive more kilometers than are included in the price, there will be an additional charge of 80 centimes per kilometer.
These will be calculated automatically and charged to you when you return the vehicle.

We already offer more kilometers than our competitors. If you need more, you can book it as an additional option in the booking form.

Unfortunately, we do not currently accept payments by debit card.
However, you can pay conveniently with credit cards such as MasterCard, Visa, American Express and via online payment services such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Twint and Klarna.

Exactly! You can park your car for free in the parking lot where the van is parked.

In case of accidents and damages, the landlord must be informed immediately on 079 669 66 92. Fill out the accident report and give it to the rental company when you return the vehicle. In cases of unclear fault, personal injury, wildlife damage and theft, a police report must be arranged. The deductible in the liability and comprehensive insurance is CHF 1’500.- per claim (this includes damage to other property and vehicles as well as to the rented vehicle).

The car must always be left clean and with a full tank. We ask you to clean the storage area again and dispose of your waste independently.

Yes, in case of an accident you have a deductible of CHF 1’500,- which has to be paid by the renter.

Yes, you can drive in EU member states without further ado. You need a written confirmation from SUBITOBUS.

All our vehicles are partially insured. The deductible in the liability and comprehensive insurance is CHF 1’500.- per claim (this includes damage to other property and vehicles as well as to the rented vehicle). Transport goods and personal belongings of the renter are not included in the insurance. Please note: Subletting to third parties is not allowed. Mechanical damage or damage to windshields, tires, underbody, car keys, rims, superstructure caused by careless or improper use or failure to observe the total height shall be borne by the lessee.

All our vans can be equipped with cat. B ID card can be driven.

If you are late, you must inform SUBITOBUS via WhatsApp and ask for a paid extension. SUBITOBUS will confirm the extension via SMS if possible. Extensions cost per hour Fr. 25. the cost must be paid immediately after return.

  1. Immediately inform SUBITOBUS about the damage.
  2. Document the damage. If possible, take photos or videos to show the condition of the damaged item or equipment.
  3. Offer to pay for the repair or replacement of the damaged item, or inform your insurance company if the damage is covered by your liability insurance.
  4. Depending on SUBITOBUS’ specific rules or policy, you may be required to file a formal incident report or statement.